About Brotta Construction Limited

Brotta understands the importance of environmental responsibility in project design, and our professionals will approach your project with special attention to sustainable practices. Our team focuses on using natural and local materials when appropriate. We can recommend many energy-saving options and indoor air quality enhancements and if feasible, we’ll refurbish and re-use existing electrical, lighting and mechanical systems. If new systems are needed, we carefully evaluate them for energy efficiency and long-term reliability.

Who We Are

The growth and development of our communities has a large impact on our natural environment. The design, construction, and operation of the buildings in which we live and work are responsible for the alteration of many of our natural resources.

Since the growth and development of our communities has had a large impact on our natural environment. The construction and operation of the buildings in which we live and work is totally responsible for the consumption of many of our natural resources. Buildings account for a large amount of land use, water, energy consumption, air and atmosphere alteration